The Trinity
God eternally exists in three persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Each member of the trinity has distinct attributes but possesses equal power and authority.
Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 1 Peter 1:2
The Father
God is the creator of all things. He is good, powerful, ever present, unchanging, Holy, and worthy of our trust and worship. He is our Father, adoptive to those who place their faith in Jesus Christ.
John 14:6; 1 John 3:1
The Son
Jesus Christ is completely human and, at the same time, completely God. Jesus is the only way of bringing those of us who are far from God, into a right relationship with God. He lived a perfect life, then died as our substitution to satisfy God’s demands for perfection. He defeated death in His resurrection, giving life abundantly to those who place their faith in Him. He will return in power and glory to judge the world and complete His mission of redemption.
John 1:1; Colossians 2:9; Philippians 2:5-7
The Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit is the assurance of our relationship with Christ. He guides believers into truth, having inspired the writers of the scriptures. He convicts the world of sin and coming judgement. He comforts us, gives us spiritual gifts, empowers us and makes us more like Christ.
Romans 8:26; Acts 2:38; Galatians 5:22
The Bible
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, the written record of His supernatural revelation of Himself to man, complete in its revelation, final in its content, and without any error in its teaching. It is absolute in its authority, which extends to the very words of the original manuscripts. Here at Cornerstone we teach directly from the Word of God. Our purpose is to share this good news of the written word, to all those that we encounter in our lives.
2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20
Mankind was born into a sin nature and in need of a savior. The Blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, is the only way of salvation. Through the forgiveness of sin. When we place our faith in the death and resurrection of Christ, we are granted total atonement and the Holy Spirit. Salvation cannot be earned by our own efforts.
John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 3:23; 2 Corinthians 1:21
The Church
The local church is an autonomous body which cooperates with many Christian agencies but is regulated or dominated by none. We strive for unity with all believers in matters essential to the universal Christian faith and contend for liberty in all matters that are not spoken in the Bible.
Ephesians 4:2-6; John 10:14-16; Ephesians 5:23
Jesus commanded us to remember his sacrifice on the cross to atone for our sins. The bread represents his body, and the cup represents his blood - both given for salvation. Each time we gather together, we engage in this memorial for personal examination and reflection.
Luke 22:14-23; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
All we have is a blessing from God. This encourages us to be generous towards others. We are commanded to give our tithe, 10% of our income to the local church. We strive for a generous lifestyle, giving in abundance of our time, talent and treasure.
Malachi 3:10; Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35
Baptism is an expression of our faith. It is the full submersion of a repenting sinner, signifying our death and resurrection from sin, as Jesus had done to give us salvation. This transaction between God and us is a pattern throughout the new testament, and we ask all joining church members to be baptized if they have not already done so.
Acts 2:38; Romans 6:1-4; Romans 10:9
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Death seals the eternal destiny of each person. When Christ returns, He will pronounce the eternal fate of each individual - saved to heaven or unsaved to eternal separation from God.
Acts 1:10-11; John 5:28-29